Thursday, September 29, 2011

People are Strange- Exhibit A: malls and movie theaters

the other day I decided I wanted to go to the movies. So I walked 40 minutes to town, hopped in a minibus and 7 minutes later arrived at the Chichiri shopping center. It was 5:30 and the only movie that night started at 6:30. A hindi flick… weird, but i bought a ticket anyway.

tried to window shop, but forgot that everything closes at 5, so I headed to the food court to write, listen to bluegrass on my ipod and observe…. Interesting...

Surrounded by Indians, and a smattering of Non-Malawian Africans, all eating fried garbage and wearing high-heels. It felt like a Bollywood version of mallrats. Why would these people ignore their amazing culture to adopt the worst parts of mine- consumerism, pop-culture, transfats. its absurd

the movie was pretty good, but as usual, my whiteness attracted attention. . .the ticket guy insisted on holding my hand to escort me to my seat, saying that he didn’t want me to trip down the slanted aisle. again, absurdity.

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